FAQs, Links & Teaching Notes

Here are some answers to a few questions I’m often asked.
If you don’t see an answer to your question here, feel free to email me and I’ll reply as soon as I can canbykelly@gmail.com

Hello Kelly, are there any teaching notes or activity sheets to go with your books?

Hello. Yes there are and they can be found by clicking the links below:

Littlelight teaching notes and activity sheets can be found here

Rodney teaching notes and activity sheets can be found here

The Hole Story teaching notes and activity sheets can be found here

All the Lost Things teaching notes can be found here

Phil Pickle teaching notes can be found here

Bronte Mettlestone teaching notes can be found at the bottom of this page

Hello Kelly, I am a school teacher/librarian and my class has a question for you about one of your books, can we email you for an answer?

Hello. Yes of course! I would love to answer any questions you have.  Email me here!

Hello Kelly, do you do school visits?

Hello. Yes, I sure do! I visit many schools, libraries and festivals all over Australia. I charge standard ASA rates  for most appearances and if you’d like me to come visit you, your school or your festival please email me!

Hello Kelly, I’m interested in writing and illustrating my own book, where should I start?

Hello. Once you have a manuscript that you feel is as perfect as you can possibly get it you should start researching publishers. Not all publishers accept unsolicited manuscripts and most have very specific submission guidelines which you’ll usually find on their website so, do your homework. Also, joining an organisation like SCBWI (The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) is a good way to learn about the industry.

Hello Kelly, I have written a book and wondered of you’d like to illustrate it.

Hello. Firstly, thank you so much for liking my work enough that you’d want to see it in your own book! Unfortunately though, I am probably not able to help you out. For most of the year my schedule is usually quite full and I only consider work that comes from either my agent or directly from a publisher.

In most cases, if you have written a book, a publisher will not want you to choose your own illustrator anyway so you’re better off polishing your manuscript to a point where it’s as perfect as you can make it and then send it off trusting that if a publisher decides to publish it, they will find the best illustrator to match your words.

Hello Kelly, do sell prints of your 

Hello. Not at the moment. I did have an Etsy store but I didn’t have the time to maintain it or send out orders so I had to close it.

Hello Kelly, are you on social media? How can I find you?

Hello. I am most active on Instagram but do have (somewhat neglected) Twitter and Facebook accounts too. Links to all of those can be found at the top right corner of this page.

Hello Kelly, I have an illustration job that I can’t pay you for but it will be great exposure, are you interested?

Hello. Probably not, I’m afraid.